
Cultivating National Biblical Counseling Movements

  • Equipping indigenous biblical counselors
  • Establishing indigenous biblical counseling ministries
  • Encouraging indigenous churches to train biblical counselors

Sending Disciplemakers to Least-Reached People Groups

  • Equipping indigenous disciplemakers
  • Establishing indigenous missionary sending systems
  • Encouraging indigenous churches to engage the least-reached

Other Global Partners

Grace Fellowship also partners with people and organizations who are called to similar goals around the world. We’re excited about what God is doing through their faithfulness and happy to support them with prayer and finances.

Why we choose to partner

Since our inception, Grace Fellowship Church has worked diligently, creatively, and sacrificially to shine the light of the knowledge of the glory of God into the darkest corners of our world. Our primary means for accomplishing that work has been through sending our own people out into the mission field as full-time workers. And while we plan for this pattern to continue, we also recognize that some places will be better served by partnering with a local believer or some more experienced field workers. In each of these partnerships our aim is to employ all of the wisdom, discernment, patience, generosity, grace, and humility that God has given to us. Even so, each partnership will inevitably include some very real imperfections and points of tension that must be weighed against the limited opportunities our church has to engage the least reached peoples with the Gospel of Jesus. So rather than wait endlessly on the sidelines for a “perfect partner”, or brashly carve a path forward alone, we choose to humbly accept the limits of imperfect partnerships so that we can actively participate in God’s redemption of people from every tribe, language, people, and nation (Revelation 5:9).

Tim & Helen VanSumeren


Wayne & Susie Vanderwier

Overseas Instruction in Counseling (OIC)

Kim & Annie Colich

Papua New Guinea

Madalin & Agnia Potoroaca


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Loving God looks a lot like loving others. As we practice loving our neighbors, we have the privilege of partnering with individuals and organizations all around our city. There are so many ways to show love, from cooking a meal, coming around a family in crisis, or using the Bible to counsel someone hurt by sin. How will you love your neighbor today?

Campus Outreach

Reaching student at the University of Cincinnati
The vision of Campus Outreach is “Glorifying God by Building Laborers on the Campus for the Lost World.” Campus Outreach (CO) seeks to build laborers with a commitment to Jesus and His Great Commission through evangelism and discipleship.
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Deaf Biblical Counseling

Deaf Biblical Counseling (DBC) offers help and hope to Deaf people
Around the world, 70 million Deaf people don’t know Christ. Because people in many countries have learned American Sign Language (ASL), DBC has a global outreach.
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Fairhaven Rescue Mission

Caring for the homeless in Northern Kentucky
Fairhaven Rescue Mission serves the homeless and disadvantaged in Northern Kentucky with meals, shelter and clothing in a Christ-centered environment.
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Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Seeing NKY transformed by Jesus by ministering TO and THROUGH coaches
FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel.
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New Hope Center

Crisis Pregnancy Care in Northern Kentucky
New Hope Center seeks to offer hope, help and healing through a range of compassionate services, including abortion alternatives for families experiencing untimely pregnancies.
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NKY Navigator Student Ministries

(formerly NKY Young Life)
Ministry to students in public schools
NKY Navigators is a Christian ministry that reaches out to middle school, high school, college students and young adults. We have been active as a ministry in NKY for over 27 years. Volunteer leaders are recruited and trained to mentor and disciple others in the Christian faith. Our hope is to reach young people who need faith, help them walk in faith and then help them learn to help others.
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Pure Life

Residential and at-home programs for men overcoming sexual addiction
Pure Life Ministries has been a pioneer in dealing with sexual addiction and its consequences for 30 years now. During that span of time, thousands of people have found freedom through their counseling programs and teaching materials.
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Young Life Capernaum

Showing students with disabilities the love of Jesus
Young Life Capernaum exists to show our friends with disabilities that they are accepted, loved, and needed.
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Young Life KY

Ministry to students in public schools
Young Life doesn't start with a program. It starts with adults who are concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship.
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Contact Missions Staff

Dave Wernz

Director of Missions & Mobilization

Jordan Simmons

Assistant to Missions

Email Jordan Simmons

Administrative Assistant to Missions

Email Dave Wernz

Director of Missions & Mobilization

Summer Camp Scholarship Fund

By giving to this fund, you’ll help students who may need financial aid as well as keep the overall cost of camp down for all students.


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