Cultivating National Biblical Counseling Movements
- Equipping indigenous biblical counselors
- Establishing indigenous biblical counseling ministries
- Encouraging indigenous churches to train biblical counselors
Sending Disciplemakers to Least-Reached People Groups
- Equipping indigenous disciplemakers
- Establishing indigenous missionary sending systems
- Encouraging indigenous churches to engage the least-reached
Blair & Sue Alvidrez
Jason & Anna Reedy
Jason & Anna Reedy
Japan > Kentucky
Other Global Partners
Grace Fellowship also partners with people and organizations who are called to similar goals around the world. We’re excited about what God is doing through their faithfulness and happy to support them with prayer and finances.
Since our inception, Grace Fellowship Church has worked diligently, creatively, and sacrificially to shine the light of the knowledge of the glory of God into the darkest corners of our world. Our primary means for accomplishing that work has been through sending our own people out into the mission field as full-time workers. And while we plan for this pattern to continue, we also recognize that some places will be better served by partnering with a local believer or some more experienced field workers. In each of these partnerships our aim is to employ all of the wisdom, discernment, patience, generosity, grace, and humility that God has given to us. Even so, each partnership will inevitably include some very real imperfections and points of tension that must be weighed against the limited opportunities our church has to engage the least reached peoples with the Gospel of Jesus. So rather than wait endlessly on the sidelines for a “perfect partner”, or brashly carve a path forward alone, we choose to humbly accept the limits of imperfect partnerships so that we can actively participate in God’s redemption of people from every tribe, language, people, and nation (Revelation 5:9).
Christ Bible Institute
Tim & Helen VanSumeren
Wayne & Susie Vanderwier
Overseas Instruction in Counseling (OIC)
Kim & Annie Colich
Papua New Guinea
The Areopagus Center
Madalin & Agnia Potoroaca
Sign Up For Weekly Prayer Emails
Loving God looks a lot like loving others. As we practice loving our neighbors, we have the privilege of partnering with individuals and organizations all around our city. There are so many ways to show love, from cooking a meal, coming around a family in crisis, or using the Bible to counsel someone hurt by sin. How will you love your neighbor today?
Campus Outreach
Deaf Biblical Counseling
Fairhaven Rescue Mission
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
New Hope Center
NKY Navigator Student Ministries
Ministry to students in public schools