Resource List
Resource Name | Topic | Tag | Link |
50 Failure Factors | General Counseling, Failed Counseling | |
50 Questions to Ask Your Spouse | Marriage, Questions, Spouse | |
A Biblical View of the Heart | Heart, inner man, motivations | |
Anthem: Strategies for Fighting Lust by John Piper | Sex, Sexual Sin, Anthem, Lust, Temptation, Piper, Worship | |
Anxiety Journal | Anxiety, Worksheet, Journal, Homework | |
Anxiety Worksheet | General Counseling, Anxiety, Worksheet | |
Assurance of Salvation | Salvation, Assurance, Faith, Believer | |
Attributes of God - A. W. Pink | Book | |
Attributes of God - Worksheet | Names of God | |
Bargain for Your Mate | Marriage, Brad’s Favorites | |
Basic Marriage Counseling | Marriage | |
Bible Verses on Financial Matters | Financial, Finances, Money | |
Biblical Counselor's Toolkit (website) | Nanette Loveless, getting started | |
Brad Bigney (What I've Sharpened in 30 Years) | Resources, counselor growth | |
Brad Bigney's Website | | |
Brain Injuries, Ministering to Those With | Workshop, trials, suffering, Counseling Training, Stuart Scott | |
Circle of Concern vs Responsibility | Diagrams, Fear, Anger, Anxiety | |
Closing Questions, “Smooth Landing” | General Counseling, Closing Questions | |
Communication Guidelines | Marriage, Communication, Brad’s Favorites | |
Communication Inventory | Marriage, Communication, Brad’s Favorites | |
Counseling Homework Sheet | Assignments | |
Conducting a Spiritual Audit | Growth, Spiritual Maturity, Brad’s Favorites | |
Conference Table Guidelines | Marriage, Biblical Counseling | |
Dave Ramsey, free tools | Finances, Financial, Money | |
Debt List | Financial, Finances, Money | |
Descent into Depression/Ascent to Joy | Depression, Joy, John Henderson | |
Depression Homework Assignment | Homework Assignment, Depression | |
Desire/Demand/Punishment Diagram | Desire, Idols, conflict, preferences, judgement, diagram | |
Drawing Out the Heart | Heart, Drawing Out, Questions | |
Family of Origin (Likes & Dislikes) | Marriage, Pre-Martial, Pre-Engagement | |
Family of Origin Questionnaire | Marriage, Pre-Martial, Pre-Engagement | |
Gospel Timeline | Diagrams, Timeline, Gospel, Salvation, Testimony, History | |
Guiding Grievers to God and His Grace | Loss, Lament, Biblical Counseling | |
Heart Journal | Homework, Journaling | |
Homework and Grace | Growth, Homework, Grace, Works, Effort | |
How Can I Be Saved? | Gospel, Homework, Salvation | |
How to Give Your Testimony | Testimony, Witnessing, | |
How to Wage War on Self-Pity | Idolatry | |
Husband Hot Buttons | Marriage, Brad’s Favorites | |
Identifying Personal Idols Worksheet (Detailed) | Idolatry | |
Identifying Personal Idols Worksheet (Tri-Fold) | Idols, Idolatry, Gospel Treason, Brad Bigney | |
Identifying Pride | Growth, Pride | |
Idols – Repentance Plan | Idolatry, Brad’s Favorites, idols, repentance plan | |
Is Masturbation a Sin? | Masturbation, Sex, Sexual Sin | |
Lamenting Worksheet | Lament | |
Learning to Lament Worksheet | Lament | |
Life Story | General Counseling, Life, Story, Testimony, History | |
Log List | Marriage, Biblical Counseling, Brad’s Favorites | |
Loving Your Spouse | Spouse, wife, husbands, marriage | |
Medication Quick Reference | Medication, Medicine | |
Milton Vincent Messages on Forgiveness | Milton, Vincent, Forgiveness, Evangelizing, Counseling Training, CDT | |
Monthly Income and Expenses | Finance, Financial, Income, Expense | |
Nicholas Ellen Sessions from CDT 2014 | Biblical Counseling, Counseling Training | |
Passages to Teach in Session | Homework | |
Peter LaRuffa's Counseling Forms | Forms, Data Gathering, CDT, homework | |
Practice of Prayer | Prayer | |
Pre-Marital Schedule | Marriage, Pre-Martial, Pre-Engagement | |
Pre-Marital Resource Info | Marriage, Pre-Martial, Pre-Engagement | |
Quick Start Budget | Dave Ramsey, Finance, Financial, Income, Expense, Budget | |
Repentance – 2 Corinthians 7 | Repentance, Brad’s Favorites | |
Respect for Husband Quiz | Marriage, Brad’s Favorites, Martha Peace | |
Sample Sessions | Sample Sessions, Berdan | |
Scripture Passages to Read | Homework | |
Sentence Completion Assignment | General Counseling, Biblical Counseling | |
Sex Questionnaire | Marriage, Pre-Martial, Pre-Engagement | |
Signs of Bitterness (Bitterness Quiz) | Bitterness, Brad’s Favorites | |
Soul Care Questions | General Counseling, Questions, Heart | |
T.E.A. Diagram | Thoughts, Emotions, Actions, Feelings, Issues of Life | |
Thoughts Worksheet | Diagrams, General Counseling, Thoughts, Feelings, Brad’s Favorites | |
Three Trees Diagram | Diagrams, 3, three, trees, trials, gospel | |
Understanding Sin (Counselee Worksheet) | Sin, defining, worksheet | |
Understanding Sin (Counselor Answer Key) | Sin, defining, answers | |
Un-Repenting Repenter | General Counseling, Repentance, Brad’s Favorites | |
Verses for Counselees to Memorize | Homework | |
Ways to Love Your Husband | Marriage, Love, Wife | |
Ways to Love Your Wife | Marriage, Love, Husband | |
What Does Saving Faith Look Like | Faith, Salvation | |
When to End Counseling | General Counseling, Biblical Counseling | |
Who I Am In Christ | Identity, Promises | |
Writing a Personal Psalm | Homework, Journaling, Prayer, Feelings | |
X-Ray Questions Article | Questions, Why’s, Motives, Behavior, Heart | |
X-Ray Questions List | Questions, Why’s, Motives, Behavior, Heart | |
Y Diagram | Diagrams, Biblical Counseling | |
Y Diagram (blank) | Diagrams, Y Diagram, discipline | |
Your Greatest Problem is Taken Care Of Worksheet | Scripture references, Brad Bigney, Identity |
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Counselors, select a tab below to see Growth Assignments to use with those whom you are counseling. We hope they are a blessing!