Biblical Counseling
Get hope and help when you’re stuck.
Everyone needs counseling…
We offer Biblical Counseling as a free service to those who call Grace Fellowship Church their home. We believe that the Bible has answers for everyday life and we offer it without cost because we want everyone that the Lord has brought to our church to live a life filled with joy and peace (Galatians 5:22-23), growing to know Jesus as Savior and Lord.
The Process
Fill out the online counseling form
When you fill out the online counseling form, you’ll give our team an idea of what you’re struggling with and which counselor we might best pair you up with.
Prepare while you wait
Change and help can happen even before you get assigned to a counselor. Check out the While You Wait section and prepare your heart and mind to receive counseling.
Get assigned to a counselor
Typically, after a few weeks of prayer and consideration, we will pair you up with a counselor that will be most available and suited to the situation you are dealing with.
Begin the counseling process
After you’re assigned a counselor, you’ll schedule a time to meet and begin the process of growing and changing.
Prepare While You Wait
Attend Sunday morning services regularly at one of our three campuses.
We are not meant to do life alone. It’s essential for you, no matter what season of life, to be in community with other believers. Check out the Community Groups page to see what group might be a good fit for your schedule.
Pray these verses from Psalm 139:23-24:
Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!
And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!
Take your time and go through passages slowly. Look for 3-5 things you learn about who God is, what He does, what He likes/doesn’t like, and what He promises. And be sure to have a pen and paper ready to write these things down.
If you like reading and want some additional help, check out some of these resources:
“Our marriage was irreconcilable…”
– Pastor Brad Bigney
Ready to get real hope and help?
Frequently Asked Questions
Counselors at Grace Fellowship Church consist of both full-time staff and other mature members of the church. All have had training through personal trials and our counseling ministry. Many of our counselors have even been certified through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).
Yes! We ask that you attend Sunday morning services at one of our campuses as well as be an active participant in a Community Group.
Our counseling is a free service that we offer to those who call Grace Fellowship Church their home.