Our Vision, Mission, and Big Rocks


Our vision at Grace Fellowship Church is that God would raise up a generation of Christians who have the courage to stand, the confidence to speak up, and the heart to sacrifice because they’re committed to the truth of God’s Word, the mission of God’s Church, and the mercy of God’s Son – Jesus Christ.


Grace Fellowship is a Bible-based, grace-based church that purposes to honor God and be true to His Word. We are committed to the complete truthfulness and authority of Scripture, which is applicable to all facets of life.

In our desire to live according to Scripture, we:

  • GATHER together in Truth to worship God,
  • GROW together by grace to be more like Christ, and
  • GO together with the gospel to the tri-state and the world.


Our worship experiences are designed to welcome people and point them to God and connect with others. As we gather, we want attendees to be drawn foremost to God’s grace and as well as the life of our church family.


We want to see the power of God’s Word and His transforming grace to change lives. We emphasize that Spiritual growth is more effectively done in smaller numbers than you’ll find in our large gatherings; we encourage people to connect with one of our Community Groups. In these groups, we try to foster an environment where you can connect with other believers and help each other become more like Jesus. We also offer Biblical Counseling, Grace Kids Sunday classes, Student Ministries, Women’s Bible Studies, and other Care and Growth Groups to help us connect, leading to growth and change.


The Gospel message is the answer to our greatest problem, our sin issue. We want this life-changing message to be heard in the Tri-State and the far reaches of the earth. To achieve this goal, we seek to equip people to serve in the name of Christ and send out people to do ministry amongst the nations and in our neighborhoods.

The 8 Big Rocks


We want our church to be based on something that doesn’t change, something that’s eternal. Isaiah 40:8 says, “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.” We want our preaching, teaching, counseling, and discipling to stay anchored in God’s eternal truth, not our opinions or preferences.​


We don’t want to ever get over grace. We believe the Bible teaches it’s all grace from start to finish. We need saving grace to justify us and save us from the penalty of our sins. And we need empowering grace to grow and free us from the power of remaining sin in our lives. Because grace is not just a pardon for my sin. Grace is the power to say no to that same sin. Therefore, we expect everyone who claims to have experienced the grace of God to be changing and growing by His grace year after year.​


We won’t just sit on this message of grace. We’re not going to run from the world. We’re going to run headlong with this message of grace, working to connect people to the glory of God…in our own backyard and overseas. We will be able to keep doing it year after year because we will keep the glory of God high and lifted up as the only effective and lasting motivation for missions, not just compassion or pity for people.​


Christians look most like Christ when they humbly serve. GFC emphasizes teaching and equipping to live more like Jesus. Maturity doesn’t come just from acquiring more knowledge or being a spectator, but by learning to give more of yourself, just like Jesus (Matthew 20:25-28; Acts 20:35). We want everyone in our church family to serve by using their gifts (1 Peter 4:10-11). As we do, increased joy, fruitfulness, and meaning can be discovered (Romans 12:6-8).​


All of this has to be bathed in prayer because we recognize that without prayer, the church ministries will just grind along in the arm of the flesh, regardless of how good they look on the outside. We want to see lasting fruit, real changes, breakthroughs, and an outpouring of God’s presence and power in our midst – and that only comes by prayer. So we pray as desperate people who recognize that we can do nothing apart from God.​

Community Groups​

Community Groups are the very heartbeat of our church. The Bible teaches that people change and grow best at close range with other believers who can speak into their life and by using their gifts to speak into someone else’s life. Community Groups are not just some fad we’ll get over; they are the ministry structure that we think best enables us to do what God has called us to do.​

God-focused Praise & Worship​

We’ll do everything we can to see that the worship leads us to think the right thoughts about God and change our lives and attitudes to align with what He’s revealing about Himself. We’re not going to use a lot of solos and choirs to sing on Sunday. You, the congregation, are the choir each Sunday. We want you to come ready to enter into worship rather than watching the ‘professionals’ do it for you.

The Sovereignty of God

The doctrine of ‘God’s Sovereignty’ simply means God is in control. God’s sovereignty is His absolute rule and control over all of His creation. Everything happens because He either directly causes it or He consciously allows it. Nothing enters history that does not come under the complete control of God. We believe that God has a “LOCK” on everything. He limits, orders, controls, and knows all things for His glory and our good. We try to promote and exalt the sovereignty of God in every way that we can because we’re convinced that a proper understanding and appreciation for the sovereignty of God will absolutely change your life and the way you see the world around you, and the way you respond to what takes place in your life.​

Summer Camp Scholarship Fund

By giving to this fund, you’ll help students who may need financial aid as well as keep the overall cost of camp down for all students.


Join a Serve Team!

Select your campus and let us know what Serve Team you are interested in!