Core doctrines are foundational truths taken from the Bible that shape and guide how we live our lives.
Videos & Notes
How It Works
Core Doctrines is a series of videos for Community Groups that walk you through some of the essential truths we believe as a church from the Bible.
Watch a Core Doctrine Video
Your Community Group will take one of your regular group nights and watch a Core Doctrine video together. Each video is between 30-45 minutes long.
Discuss the Content in Your Group
After your group watches the video together, your Community Group Leader will walk you through a guided discussion based on the content in the Core Doctrines video.
Just Show Up, No Homework Necessary
All you need to do is to show up to your normal Community Group, during a normal night. You don’t need to prepare or watch anything ahead of time. Everything will be watched and discussed during your group time.
1-2 Times a Semester
All groups will do this one or two times a semester (Fall/Spring).
Group Leaders
Below are the things you need for your group to participate in watching and discussing a Core Doctrine video.
A TV or screen for your group to watch
You can watch the video via YouTube by either casting it to your TV or through your smart TV’s YouTube app.
You can request a DVD of the Core Doctrine video.
Or you can request a DVD or a space at one of our campuses to watch the video if your host home doesn’t have the right setup for viewing the video.
Discussion Notes
You will either need to print the Discussion Notes yourself (linked in the video description), or you can ask us!