Partner Update

Student manuals in Spanish are nearly ready to publish!

What God is doing...

  • There were wonderful meetings with Oakseed Partners in Ethiopia.
  • Praise God for the Spirit’s help in teaching 25 students preparing for ministry in the Evangelical Theological College in Ethiopia.
  • Thank God for the safe arrival of donated theological books for a library at the Kisumu Reformed School of Theology in Kenya.
  • Thank God for a fellow Liaison of Oakseed who accompanied Rick to Ethiopia and who was a great help in our Partner follow-up visits.
  • Rick is thankful for a hugely faithful and devoted wife who helps him at every stage of ministry to which the Lord has called them.

Please pray...

  • For the soon-to-be-published CCEF-TUMI counseling manuals in Spanish. Thank you, Grace Fellowship!
  • For the creation of the material in the CCEF-TUMI counseling courses into book form for Spanish translation-this is a wonderful opportunity!
  • For preparing materials for a teachers retreat in the Dominican Republic in January and for pastors in Columbia, South America in March.
  • For the Spirit’s continued work in Ethiopia through the Oakseed Partners there that work with orphans, prostitutes and HIV positive women and children, and children in households led by mothers in the poor areas of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • For blessing upon the students of the Evangelical Theological College in Addis Ababa to whom Rick taught our CCEF-TUMI counseling course, How Change Happens, in October.
  • For Rick’s teaching and preaching at their home church in November and December.
  • For the soon to be published CCEF-TUMI counseling manuals in Spanish.
    * For the creation of the material in the CCEF-TUMI counseling courses into book form for Spanish translation.

Contact TUMI

Let them know you prayed or ask how you can get involved

Email Rick Horne at TUMI

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