Partner Update

Dec 7, 2023

What God is doing...

  • Rick returned from a wonderful trip to Santiago, Chile, in October. He taught their counseling seminar, “How Change Happens,” to about 30 in-person and 40-60 virtual attendees from all over Chile. Attendees, church leaders in Santiago and pastors from other churches, showed great enthusiasm for the the concepts of change (sanctification) were easy to understand and apply from our “Three Trees” and “Eight Quesions” versions of Scripture’s teaching about change.

  • Rick is in the last stages of producing the third course in their introductory counseling course, “Helping Change Happen.”

  • This past week, Rick learned that his 14th (of 20) grandchild committed his life to Christ. What a source of joy! The six remaining grandchildren are very young, so his prayers are also for their salvation over time.

  • The Lord continues to give Betty and Rick (age 76) good health to continue serving.

  • The website now has the manuals in English and Spanish for free download. Soon, the videos will also have Spanish subtitles for our Spanish brothers and sisters. This gives access to the course and seminar students to the manuals without Rick’s transporting them. This saves lots of money and is easier on his back—as he has had to pack them and carry them along on trips to Latin America and Africa.

Please pray...

  • Pray for the brother in Santo Domingo who is editing the Spanish Subtitles for the videos of the two completed counseling courses.
  • Rick must develop a videotaping script for the “Helping Change Happen” taping this winter. Please pray for God’s blessing on that project.
  • Rick is scheduled to take this course to a gathering of pastors in Liberia in April 2024.
  • At the request of a Latin American publisher, Rick and a woman in Rick’s church have been working on turning the first two course manuals into a stand-alone introduction to biblical counseling book series for pastors and church leaders. There is a widespread need for pastoral resources in biblical counseling in the Latin American world. When finished, these also will need to be translated into Spanish.

Contact TUMI

Let them know you prayed or ask how you can get involved

Email Rick Horne at TUMI

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