Partner Update

June 20, 2024

What God is doing...

  • Great opportunities to witness to taxi drivers and people on the way to and from Africa.

  • The Lord has kept this 77 year-old body working well and in good health—by his grace. 

  • My wife whose prayers and assistance from home in preparation for these trips displays that she is the truly beautiful “crown” to me in our ministry together.

  • Several hundred church leaders expressed enthusiasm for the practical nature of the Biblical truths I was teaching—in both countries.

Please pray...

  • There are some discussions going on about beginning a Bible school/college in Liberia, with the church leaders of about 25 churches. Many of these leaders are the men and women who have attended the counseling teaching the last three times I’ve visited Liberia. These brothers and sisters are believers without training but who love Christ and his word and are eager to deepen their knowledge Him and equip themselves for grearter faithful ministry through serious training.


    These brothers and sisters have no money to pay for this training, of course,  and the poverty of their churches leaves them without access to this kind of personal and ministry help. So, the church in Monrovia hopes to put this project together in association with church leaders, as teachers, from this country and others in a way that won’t involve any cost to the interested church leaders in the churches. The leaders of possible churches who are eager to see this happen are in poor villages the surrounding countries: Sierra Leone, Guinea, Mali, Ivory Coast, and within Liberia itself. I’m involved in those discussions and have taught many of these interested brothers and sisters. Please pray about this endeavor. The potential for expanded gospel ministry is great.

  • Pray for the Spirit’s ongoing watering of the Word among the scores of leaders I was privileged to teach and consult with in Liberia and South Africa in April and May.

  • Pray for upcoming ministry gatherings I will be part of in the fall:  meetings with our church’s network of churches, the regular CCEF Board gathering, the CCEF national conference, and two and a half weeks of ministry in Colombia, South America in Armenia and Medellin. I’m to be teaching our biblical counseling courses in both cities to seminary students and church leaders associated with the Reformed Seminary of Latin America (SRL)

  • It’s back to the drawing board for my third counseling course of our three-course biblical introduction set of courses. I did some teaching from the course in Liberia on this last trip and discovered I was “striking out” with the notes and outline I had prepared.  I got the sense I wasn’t connecting. So, I majorly adapted the content to consider more thoughtfully where the men and women were in their understanding of biblical truths. That made things go very well. But I was convinced that to serve brothers and sisters who have such slim biblical backgrounds, I need to do a serious revision of this course.

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Email Rick Horne at TUMI

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