One-on-one mentoring to help you grow in your walk with Jesus.
From helping you with how to read your Bible to how to please God with your finances, the Mentoring Ministry is here to help Christians grow in their walk with Jesus.
For Mentees
Who can be a Mentee?
Any member or regular attender at the Fort Thomas Campus may apply to be a Mentee.
What's the timeframe?
This will be a 12-session mentorship that is completed over 6-12 months.
How to I start?
Complete this application and someone will be in touch with you soon.
For Mentors
Who can be a Mentor?
Any member or regular attender at the Fort Thomas Campus who is actively participating in a Community Group may apply to be a Mentor.
Will you offer any help or training?
Yes! We will schedule a training meeting soon, and can offer suggestions, best practices, and helpful resources to consider.
How to I start?
Complete this application and someone will be in touch with you soon.