Servant Leadership Development
Raising up men and women to serve in different areas of ministry leadership at Grace Fellowship Church.
What is Servant Leadership Development?
Servant Leadership Development is a track for raising up men and women to serve in different areas of ministry at Grace Fellowship Church. Starting January of 2025.
How does it work?
Servant Leadership Development is a one-year program where you commit to:
- Meeting once a month for a year
- Completing the reading (either a book or chapter of Systematic Theology), reflection, and scripture memory homework
- Serving regularly in a ministry of the church
Meeting Dates and Topics
January 11 – Introduction
February 8 – Doctrine of Scripture (Grudem) (Chapters 2-8)
March 8 – Trusting God (Jerry Bridges)
April 12 – Doctrine of God (Grudem) (Chapters 9-13)
May 10 – The Enemy Within (Lundgaard)
June 14 – Doctrine of Christ and the Holy Spirit (Grudem) (Chapters 26-30)
July 12 – Humility (Mahaney)
August 9 – Doctrine of Providence (Grudem) (Chapters 16-18)
September 6 – Discipline of Grace (Jerry Bridges)
October 11 – Doctrine of the Church (Grudem) (Chapters 45-48)
November 8 – Doctrine of Salvation (Grudem) (Chapters 37-38, 40-43)
December 13 – The Wisdom Pyramid (McCracken)
*All meetings will take place at the Florence Campus from 8:00-10:30am