Servant Leadership Development

Raising up men and women to serve in different areas of ministry leadership at Grace Fellowship Church.

What is Servant Leadership Development?

Servant Leadership Development is a track for raising up men and women to serve in different areas of ministry at Grace Fellowship Church. Starting January of 2025.

How does it work?

Servant Leadership Development is a one-year program where you commit to:

  1. Meeting once a month for a year
  2. Completing the reading (either a book or chapter of Systematic Theology), reflection, and scripture memory homework
  3. Serving regularly in a ministry of the church
The meetings take place on early Saturday morning  starting January of 2025. There will be a small group discussion without about 10 people for the first hour and then the second hour will consist of a talk and QandA from a ministry leader about how the specific topic applies to ministry and service.
*Childcare will be available 

Meeting Dates and Topics

January 11 – Introduction
February 8 – Doctrine of Scripture (Grudem) (Chapters 2-8)
March 8 – Trusting God (Jerry Bridges)
April 12 – Doctrine of God (Grudem) (Chapters 9-13)
May 10 – The Enemy Within (Lundgaard)
June 14 – Doctrine of Christ and the Holy Spirit (Grudem) (Chapters 26-30)
July 12 – Humility (Mahaney)
August 9 – Doctrine of Providence (Grudem) (Chapters 16-18)
September 6 – Discipline of Grace (Jerry Bridges)
October 11 – Doctrine of the Church (Grudem) (Chapters 45-48)
November 8 – Doctrine of Salvation (Grudem) (Chapters 37-38, 40-43)
December 13 – The Wisdom Pyramid (McCracken) 

*All meetings will take place at the Florence Campus from 8:00-10:30am


Email Stephen Petrie

Director of Groups

Summer Camp Scholarship Fund

By giving to this fund, you’ll help students who may need financial aid as well as keep the overall cost of camp down for all students.


Join a Serve Team!

Select your campus and let us know what Serve Team you are interested in!