What God is doing...
- In 2024, we had 242 mothers choose life for their baby! We are so grateful to be a part of God’s work and are excited to see how he uses New Hope in 2025!
- In 2024, we celebrated 21 professions of faith and rededications!
- Thanks to our generous donors, we were able to purchase 4 new Samsung ultrasound machines (one for each center including our new center in Vevay, IN). The technology and images are amazing, and we know that God is going to use those pictures to change hearts and save lives!
- Our new center in Vevay, Indiana will be opening by the end of January! Our staff is trained and excited to begin serving families facing unplanned pregnancies in and around Vevay community.
- We are busier than ever and are seeing more abortion minded women choose life for their babies!
Please pray...
- Please continue to pray for our clients, especially those we see in heartbreaking situations. Prayers for strength and courage for the clients and wisdom for their mentors who are walking alongside them are greatly appreciated.
- Pray that God brings more women and men than ever through our doors, and they experience the love and light of Christ with each and every encounter.
- Please pray for our Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers.
Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for male and female mentors to walk with our clients! If you or anyone you know is interested in volunteering, please reach out to Tori Weisz at [email protected] or 859-341-0767 ext. 22.
Tagged Missions, Neighborhoods, New Hope Center