Partner Update

July 6, 2023

What God is doing...

We want to challenge you to get involved in one of the following ways this year:
1. Prayer: Prayer is the heart of the ministry! Would you set a reminder on your phone on Thursday nights at 8pm to pray for us as we go on outreach? Consider also joining us one time this year for Thursday night prayer!
2. Outreach: We need women who will commit to going into the clubs or on the streets twice a month
3. Financial Giving: We are praying that the Lord will provide $24,000 toward our Church Mobilization efforts to help us make the gospel accessible to all 20,000 potential victims of exploitation and trafficking in the Greater Cincinnati area.
4. Cooking: We have an amazing cooking team and would like to see small groups sign up to cook once a year for our Thursday night outreach! 
More information about each of these service opportunities at

Please pray...

  • The Lord has blessed us with answered prayer for deeper relationships and open hearts. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us! We can tell that you are lifting us up!
  • Pray for D who had an abortion more than a decade ago. As she shared this with me, her heart was completely broken about it and she had tears streaming down her face. Pray she follows up with the bible study recommendation we gave her and that she learns how to follow Jesus and lay burdens at His feet.
  • Pray for our new Director of Mobilization and Partnerships, Andrea Holtman! She is a gift to the ministry and we are working diligently to raise $24,000 to jumpstart our plan to make the gospel accessible to all 20,000+ potential victims of sexual trafficking and exploitation in our area. 
  • Pray for our team to continue to grow, with a need for four more new outreach volunteers to be added by the end of the summer! 
  • Praise Jesus for the hope of the Gospel–this is why we go and what fuels our love! May we never stop praising Him for the work He has done to bring us to Himself! 

Contact Cincy At the Well

Let them know you prayed or ask how you can get involved

Summer Camp Scholarship Fund

By giving to this fund, you’ll help students who may need financial aid as well as keep the overall cost of camp down for all students.


Join a Serve Team!

Select your campus and let us know what Serve Team you are interested in!