About AoGI
Our Vision
Our Mission
Ambassadors of Grace International was formed in 2007 as a missions initiative of Grace Fellowship Church. We are a sending agency designed to reflect the New Testament model of fulfilling the Great Commission through the local church.
We equip, commission, send, encourage and provide missionary care for members from our local church to serve as Christ’s ambassadors among the nations. Our sent ones compassionately call people to be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ and competently disciple them to live out their faith transformed by His sufficient Word and empowered by the Holy Spirit. In addition, AoGI partners with nationals, local fellowships, cross-cultural organizations and workers to develop healthy, indigenous, reproducing fellowships.
- Praying for God’s wisdom, direction and power
- Sending short-term and long-term ambassadors
- Equipping national leaders of local fellowships
- Translating appropriate books and materials
- Implementing projects based on identified needs
- Partnering with local fellowships
- The Local Church – God’s prescribed means for fulfilling His mission
- Small Groups – a way to disciple believers and to share the good news
- Biblical Counseling – the sufficient Word of God transforming lives
- God-centered worship – the end to which we were created
- Leadership Development – equipping for the present and future
We believe that the Bible is the authoritative and sufficient revelation of God. Our beliefs are aligned with the reformed evangelical doctrines of grace. Click here to see our full doctrinal statement.
Get Involved
“For they went out for the sake of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support such men, that we may be fellow workers with the truth.” [3 John 7-8 NASB]
We deeply desire that you would be fellow workers with the truth in every sense of the word. Engage with us deeply, share in our affliction and joys. Rejoice when we rejoice and mourn when we mourn. Paul describes his gift from the Philippians as “a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God.” [Phil 4:18] Our hope is that together, we will be well-pleasing to God.
Here are a few ways you can partner with us:
Our Workers
Blair & Sue Alvidrez
J & S

Mailing Address:
Ambassadors of Grace International
9379 Gunpowder Road
Florence, KY, 41042