Next Steps

With all the things you could do, it’s important to just start with a few key steps…

Sign Up For Ministry News!

Each week, we send out an email called Ministry News that will keep you up-to-date with all of the main things going on here at Grace Fellowship Church. It’s the best way to stay in the loop with what’s going on and how to get involved!

Find Your
Community Group

Don’t get lost in the crowd. Community Groups are one of the best ways to make a large church a little smaller. Community Groups are where we get together and share our lives with each other. Each group usually has some combination of studying the Bible, laughing, crying, praying, and serving each other. And it’s totally normal to try a couple of different groups before you land on one.

How Do I Grow?

Healthy things grow. At Grace Fellowship, we have a number of ways that you can grow in your faith. Click the link below to learn more.


Need help figuring out what’s next for you? Want to talk with a Campus Pastor or Ministry Leader? Do you just need prayer? Click the link below to email the church office or you can give us a call at (859) 371-7880. We would love to help!

Summer Camp Scholarship Fund

By giving to this fund, you’ll help students who may need financial aid as well as keep the overall cost of camp down for all students.


Join a Serve Team!

Select your campus and let us know what Serve Team you are interested in!