Partner Update

Jan 19, 2023

What God is doing...

We returned last week from a time of ministry in the Dominican Republic where I taught and met with three of our Oakseed International Partners. These works are strongly evangelistic to students and parents. Please pray for follow-up from:

  • 6 hours of teaching to the staff of the Fountain of Life Christian School, in Juan Tomas (on the north side of Santo Domingo).
  • The leaders asked me to teach their faculty. They mostly have no biblical training other than their own home church experiences. About 40 of the staff of 45 were there. I taught on the History of Redemption (Biblical Theology) to help the teachers get a sense of “How the Bible is Put Together.”
  • I also had the privilege of preaching there on the Lord’s Day and consulting with the leaders of the school ministry. The school, with a $30 per month tuition, greatly underpaid teachers, and humble resources, has deep respect from the authorities and a great reputation in the community—with a large admissions waiting list.

Please pray...

  • I met with leaders of a special needs school, Hogar Emmanuel, in Quisqueya west of Santo Domingo. About 200 special needs students are served by 40 teachers. The special needs range from learning disabilities to profound physical disabilities. No other such resource is available for special needs kids among the poor. Again, this is a strong evangelistic outreach to the children and their parents. Oakseed supports Hogar Emmanuel with finances and prayer reports to supporters. Students, teachers, and facilities are all in need of serious prayer support.
  • In March I am scheduled to go to Factatativa, Columbia to teach our biblical counseling course, How Change Happens. This month Amazon has published the workbook for that course in Spanish, a project underwritten by Grace Fellowship Church. Thank you all for your kind support and help before the throne of Grace.
  • Copies of the NIV version of a Children’s Bible are needed. Theirs are 10 years old but well used.

Isaiah 45:22

“Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth!

For I am God and there is no other.”

Contact TUMI

Let them know you prayed or ask how you can get involved

Email Rick Horne at TUMI

Summer Camp Scholarship Fund

By giving to this fund, you’ll help students who may need financial aid as well as keep the overall cost of camp down for all students.


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