From Rick Horne...
“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere.”
II Corinthians 2:14
I am overwhelmed with your care and generous financial partnership. Your supportive prayer and giving put your fingerprints and your footprints in Liberia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Sierra Leon, Guinea, Mali, Ivory Coast, the Dominican Republic and, now more widely, in Latin America (see the note below).
Thank you for your partnership as we sow the seeds!
- A trip to Ethiopia is planned for October 2022 where I am to teach our counseling courses at the Evangelical Theological College. While in Ethiopia, I will be revisiting three of our Oakseed ministries in and outside of Addis Abba. This includes an orphanage, a ministry to prostitutes and Aids infected women and children, and a parent work training program. For more information please see
- In the late Fall or December, Betty and I hope to travel to the Dominican Republic where The Fountain of Life Christian School has asked me to do a teacher in-service weekend. Please pray that this will provide the teachers and staff a sense of the richness of God’s plan and the unity of Scripture. Most teachers and staff have little or no formal biblical training.
- In the new year, Lord willing, I am hoping to go to Columbia to teach Biblical Counseling in the Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano (SRL). In that connection…
- Grace Fellowship Church is blessed to have sponsored the translation of the manuals for the counseling courses into Spanish. They anticipate total completion this summer. A Christian Latin American Publisher in Columbia is planning to publish the manual for use throughout the Latin American world!
- My work on the third of the Introductory TUMI-CCEF counseling courses is continuing to move ahead. This is a tough one! But I’m seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.