Partner Update

Oct 26, 2023

GFC Family,
We’re thanking the Lord for some amazing momentum this semester. We’re seeing more record attendance at multiple campuses and a hunger to be equipped and empowered to lead others! 
THANK YOU for your faithful prayer and support over the years!

What God is doing...

  • Strong starts at several campuses both with school-wide groups as well as team bible studies! Some groups even have athletes reading a chapter a day as well as completing journal entries on what they read…a habit that will serve them well for a lifetime!
  • Staff growth: Katelyn Sallee transitioning to a full-time role, Nelle Yankovich joining part-time, and Tommy Ratterman is currently 50% funded toward a full-time position. We’ve never been more prepared to steward the growth we are seeing! 

Please pray...

  • Please pray for our staff and volunteer leaders. For protection from the enemy who desires to distract, discourage, and deter the Gospel from taking new ground.
  • For continued and growing favor with coaches and administrators who often serve as gatekeepers to allow us access into locker rooms, dugouts, gyms, you name it 🙂
  • Increased financial support from recurring partners for our new staff to be able to move forward with strength and set them up for the long haul. Please pray that God will continue to connect us with people who have a heart for this mission. 

Contact FCA

Let them know you prayed or ask how you can get involved

Email Nate Sallee

NKY Area Director for Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Summer Camp Scholarship Fund

By giving to this fund, you’ll help students who may need financial aid as well as keep the overall cost of camp down for all students.


Join a Serve Team!

Select your campus and let us know what Serve Team you are interested in!