Welcome Back Bags
+ Prayer Walk!

Fall 2024 Semester

Last year we gave out over 500 bags in 3 days. Will you help us?

Soon, a new school year will begin and students from across the state and country will flood the UC’s campus. Each year our team meets over 4,000 students within the first month of classes. They’ll participate in events we throw on campus, build relationships with staff members, and many will investigate faith in Christ, some hopefully will be transformed by the gospel of Christ.

Campus Outreach at UC is starting something new this year and providing an opportunity for you and your community to join us in reaching out at UC.

We will hand out “welcome back” bags filled with snacks for students at info tables, campus events, weekly meetings, etc.. Each bag represents a tangible expression of your love for an individual student at UC.

How to help

Pickup the bags

At each campus, there is a table in the lobby with a bunch of brown paper bags. Grab as many as you think you can fill!

Pack the bags

What to pack in the bags:

  • Chips, crackers, prepackaged snacks, treats, candy, etc.

  • Be careful with chocolate (it might melt!)

  • No homemade food

  • No personal hygiene items

  • Please consider adding a printed Bible verse or prayer. Our students love handwritten notes letting them know you’re praying for them. 

  • Please don’t add any other type of written materials.

While you pack the bags:

  • Pray as a group over the bags and for the students who will receive them

  • Pack a few items into each bag 

  • Load the bags into a box or larger bag to transport

Drop off the bags (by Aug 18)
  • Please leave the bags open.  Do not seal them.

  • Return the bags to the Campus Outreach table in the lobby of your campus by August 18th.


*Please consider joining us on Aug 19 for a Prayer Walk around UC.

Watch this testimony video as you back your bags...

Consider joining us for a Prayer Walk around UC to kick-off Welcome Week!

When: Monday August 19, 2024 at 6:30pm. You can plan for the event to last around 45 minutes.

Where: Meet at the Lindner College of Business at UC

What: You will receive specific prayer requests and then walk to a campus destination and pray (silently or with a friend) for 5-6 minutes. You will hear a quick story of how God is working on campus at each destination connected your prayers. This repeats four times. In 45 minutes you will see campus, hear testimonies, and engage in the most important part of ministry, PRAYER

Who: You, your family, your friends, your small group – anyone who’d like to come is welcome!

Summer Camp Scholarship Fund

By giving to this fund, you’ll help students who may need financial aid as well as keep the overall cost of camp down for all students.


Join a Serve Team!

Select your campus and let us know what Serve Team you are interested in!