Partner Update​

Sep 22, 2022​

What God is doing...

  • Four students have come to Christ so far this semester! We are so thankful! Praise God for new life in Christ! Pray for their faith to take root!
  • Our first four events on campus went really well. We met a ton of students and many of them have been getting involved!
  • Our Late Night with Campus Outreach meetings have been so fun and we’ve had a great attendance for these. Our series that we are going through is called The People Jesus Loves. It’s amazing how many students who have said to us they have never heard anything like this. Pray God would continue to be revealing His truth to these students.
  • We have roughly 60 students who will be in weekly Bible studies this semester! Pray for our staff and student leaders who are leading these studies!
  • Students are going to church! Weekly we have seen 20+ students attend the Fort Thomas campus! 
  • Staff member Maddy Godsey is getting married to Jon Reisinger this Saturday! Praise God for this marriage!

Please pray...

  • We are asking our church family to continue in prayer over our students! Consider setting an alarm for every Thursday night at 8pm. That is when we host our campus meeting each week.
  • Pray for students to hear the word and respond to the good news of Jesus Christ!
  • Pray for our student leaders who are inviting their friends and even leading the meeting!
  • Pray for the 20+ students who have attended the Fort Thomas campus! Pray that they would learn to love and serve the church!

Contact Campus Outreach

Let them know you prayed or ask how you can get involved

Email Isaac Kain

Campus Director | Campus Outreach

Summer Camp Scholarship Fund

By giving to this fund, you’ll help students who may need financial aid as well as keep the overall cost of camp down for all students.


Join a Serve Team!

Select your campus and let us know what Serve Team you are interested in!