Care Group – Senior Ladies

Senior Ladies is a group for “more experienced” women to get together, study God’s Word, walk through life’s struggles, deepen our love for the Lord, and experience the great joy of being in fellowship with one another. Our group has women that age 50+ and will be doing a study through the book “Heaven Rules” by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. We’d love to have you join us!

Care Group – Griefshare

GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life after the death of a loved one. GriefShare fosters a community of friendly, caring people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Starting Monday, […]

Marriage Care Group

Thank you for your desire to grow and honor the Lord in your marriage! For your consideration, those who are most likely to benefit from this type of group are:

Couples where both spouses are ready to work together on their marriage
Couples not on the brink of divorce
Your schedules allow you both to attend most/all of the sessions
You are motivated to personally change and grow
You are committed to doing the reading and homework in between sessions
If this sounds like a good fit, please register!

Summer Camp Scholarship Fund

By giving to this fund, you’ll help students who may need financial aid as well as keep the overall cost of camp down for all students.


Join a Serve Team!

Select your campus and let us know what Serve Team you are interested in!